There’s nothing that resonates as deeply as the advice of a grandparent. While many elders discourage the uphill pursuit of a life lived playing music, Ernest Orlando offered his grandson Michael one simple, salient piece of advice: “If you want to play music forever, that’s fine… just make sure you have a plan”.  Now armed with over ten thousand hours of playing music across 3 continents and a decades deep arsenal of songs in his back pocket, Michael Saracino and his partner in music + life, Tara Lynn Stanclik have a new EP and a plan – all done For Ernest.

For Ernest is a fresh ambient-acoustic duo that stretches the definition of folk music beyond its normal bounds. As an experienced live looper, Michael utilizes his guitar to create percussive and ambient sounds in tandem with Tara’s harmonies and keyboard parts to build sonic landscapes that extend well beyond that of a traditional duo. Their debut EP, Buildings, was conceived and recorded with this live approach in mind. They are currently working on a follow up EP “Additions” with singles being released over the first half of 2024.